Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reunion Information

Hi Everyone,

I have created this blog as a way for Morrow family members to get information about our upcoming reunion in August, post photos, share stories--actually anything regarding the reunion and the Morrow family. 

The reunion will be Saturday, August 13th, at 1:00 pm
                              Home of Jane and Al Patterson
                              9711 Brightwater Pl.
                              Granite Bay, CA  95746
                              (916) 791-8475 home
                              (916) 996-0171 cell

We will have the afternoon for visiting, sharing family stories, swimming (for anyone who wants to), eating appetizers and then have dinner at 4:00 pm. 

I hope family members will mark their calendars and plan on attending.  I know most of the Shannons didn't make the 2004 reunion in Nebraska; maybe this time we'll do better. 

Invitations are being made up and will be sent out by the end of the month.  I will post additional information on this blog!

Look forward to seeing everyone!
Jane Patterson


  1. Hi Janie! Thanks for organizing the reunion! It will be a lot of fun!
